EU calling on Ukrainian authorities not to weaken e-declaration system

New head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine, Ambassador Hugues Mingarelli has urged the Ukrainian authorities to make sure ensure the full operation of the electronic declaration system.
Speaking at his first press conference in Kyiv on Monday, Mingarelli said the main message from the EU is "please, do not weaken the system of electronic declaration. Unless the system operates freely, it will be a disaster. This also will not help the effective fight against corruption."
Mingarelli said he was aware of a number of concerns expressed by representatives of public organizations and individual activists concerning e-declaration.
He said they had a frank dialogue with representatives of the Ukrainian authorities and even with the President Petro Poroshenko. The EU received assurances from Kyiv that there is no intention to weaken the system, Mingarelli said. However, there is concern that the declarations will be open to everyone, including for criminals, so the Ukrainian officials are currently working to ensure access to such information to law enforcement agencies and its partial restriction for all the rest, the ambassador said.