10:35 29.06.2016

Interparliamentary Assembly of Visegrad Group, Romania and Ukraine to be initiated in coming months

2 min read

Countries of the Carpathian region should strengthen cooperation for the development of infrastructure and improvement of the economic situation in the region, and Ukraine, in particular, should increase the number of checkpoints on the border with its EU neighbors, Marshal of the Polish Sejm (lower house of the Polish parliament) Marek Kuchcinski has said.

"At the moment, such cooperation is very feeble. We need to put ourselves to the task to increase the number of border crossing points, to improve the infrastructure between Ukraine and Slovakia, Ukraine and Romania, Ukraine and Poland," Kuchcinski said on the sidelines of the forum on local development in Truskavets, Lviv region, on June 26.

The head of the lower chamber of the Polish parliament said that at the Economic Forum in Krynica (Poland) they plan to offer to form an inter-parliamentary assembly in the format of the Visegrad Four (Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary) and two neighboring countries of the Carpathian region – Romania and Ukraine. "We want to offer our counterparts from the Czech Republic and Hungary to set up a joint assembly with Ukraine, Romania, not only in the format of the four countries," he said.

Kuchcinski said that such an issue may be discussed even before the start of the forum, in July this year.

Head of the Polish Sejm recalled that on July 1, 2016, Poland will take over the presidency of the Visegrad Group.

Kuchcinski also stressed that such cooperation between the parliaments should become a powerful tool for influencing Russia so that it should stop its aggression against Ukraine.

The 25th Economic Forum in Krynica-Zdroj (Poland) will be held on September 8-10, 2016. More than 3,000 guests from Europe, Central Asia, and the United States are expected to attend the forum.

The Economic Forum in Krynica-Zdroj has been held annually since 1990. The forum is attended by presidents, prime ministers, finance ministers, governors of Central and Eastern European banks, EU leaders, heads of major companies and banks in Europe, representatives of non-governmental organizations, banking experts, international finance experts, international relations experts, known publicists, writers and musicians from around the world.