Yatseniuk: 'Our target is EU and NATO membership'

Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatseniuk has named the priorities for the development of Ukraine and promised to not respond to criticism from political opponents.
"Our aim is a membership of the EU, acquiring of the membership of NATO, welfare of the Ukrainian citizens and a healthy and educated nation," Yatseniuk said on air of the TV program 'Ten Minutes with Prime Minister' on Sunday evening.
According to him, since a place of Ukraine is in the EU and Kyiv has already signed agreements on political association and Free Trade Area (FTA), a visa-free travel is to be granted soon.
One of the foundations for independence of the state is energy independence "which we achieved." "That's why I won't admit shady agreements and returning of energy oligarchs to Ukrainian economics," he said.
Yatseniuk also said Russia as an aggressor-state should face a tough policy.
"No agreements and compromises at the expense of Ukraine; restoration of territorial integrity of Ukraine; returning of Donetsk, Luhansk and Crimea; continuation of the Russia sanctions by the moment Ukraine fully revives its territorial sovereignty," the premier said.