18:37 11.03.2016

Ukrainian interior ministry calls on Ukrainians to refrain from attacking Russian diplomatic missions

1 min read
Ukrainian interior ministry calls on Ukrainians to refrain from attacking Russian diplomatic missions

Ukraine's Ministry of Internal Affairs calls on the public to refrain from attacking Russian diplomatic or consular missions, as this undermines Ukraine's authority on the international stage and poses a threat to Ukrainian diplomats in Russia.

"Further to the acts of vandalism committed to the property of the diplomatic mission and several consular services of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine strongly condemns such actions and points at the responsibility lying with the persons involved in these acts under the applicable laws of our state," the Ukrainian interior ministry said in the statement published on Friday.

The ministry recalled that protection of foreign diplomatic and consular agencies is in Ukraine's international commitments set forth in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963.

"Any infringement on their immunity is an infringement on the international authority and international legal commitments of our state," the ministry said.

In this regard, Ukraine's interior ministry calls on "the Ukrainian community to refrain from any actions that are provocative in nature and instead express its civic position by peaceful means only, in conformity with applicable laws of Ukraine".