15:11 02.10.2015

Register of officials' declarations to start working early 2016 – minister

2 min read
Register of officials' declarations to start working early 2016 – minister

A register of the declarations of officials, and information on assets owned by civil servants will become available for the Ukrainian public early next year, Justice Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Petrenko has said.

"Next year Ukraine will receive an absolutely new model of declaring and monitoring assets owned by civil servants," he said at a briefing in Kyiv on Thursday.

He said that the National Anti-Corruption Agency and the general public will be able to view any declaration of any civil servant, starting from the head of state and ending with the head of a district administration.

Petrenko said that the register will have a major impact on efforts to prevent corruption in Ukraine.

Petrenko said that work to prepare this content has been carried out by the Justice Ministry for six months and the design of software has been launched. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Mission will pay and Ukraine will not spend any funds on designing the content.

"I'm sure that early next year this website will start working," he said.

In turn, Country Director at UNDP Ukraine Jan Thomas Hiemstra said that similar systems work in over 100 countries, and the number of persons who are to declare their income and property exceeds 1 million.

The National Agency for Preventing Corruption will compare the declarations of officials with their lifestyle.