Poroshenko calls for stripping Russia of its right of veto in UN SC

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko is not content with the current voting mechanism in the United Nations Security Council (UN SC), whereby a resolution can be vetoed by Russia, which is one of its permanent members.
"I think they (the Russian Federation) can remain in the SC but I think that Russia must be stripped of the veto right in those conflicts to which it is a party," the president said in an interview with the Voice of America news network.
Poroshenko thinks such a move would make UN SC mechanisms efficient again, but for now they get simply blocked and the SC is unable to fulfill its role.
"If you make a decision that can be blocked by the Security Council, there has to be an alternative to maintain global security," he said.
It was reported that Malaysia, Australia, the Netherlands, Belgium and Ukraine submitted a draft resolution and charter of an international tribunal to the UN SC, regarding the tragic accident involving the Malaysian plane over Donbas. By exercising its veto right, Russia blocked the passage of this resolution.