16:04 23.06.2015

Tornado, Chernihiv battalions withdraw from Luhansk region – Moskal

1 min read
Tornado, Chernihiv battalions withdraw from Luhansk region – Moskal

Chairman of Luhansk Regional Military-Civilian Administration Hennadiy Moskal has said that the Interior Ministry battalions Chernihiv and Tornado have been withdrawn from Luhansk region.

The withdrawal finished on Tuesday, Moskal's press service reported.

There are currently no representative of these battalions in Luhansk region. Soldiers of other law enforcement detachments are ensuring the security of Ukrainian government controlled territories in Luhansk region.

As reported, Moskal asked Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, Ukrainian Armed Forces General Staff Chief Viktor Muzhenko, and National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) Secretary Oleksandr Turchynov to disarm the Interior Ministry battalions 'Tornado' and 'Chernihiv' and withdraw them from the region.

Tornado was subsequently disbanded, and according to Avakov's order, since March the military prosecution office has been investigating grave crimes committed by battalion’s soldiers in the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) zone.

The Interior Ministry also said that Tornado personnel would be redeployed.