Yatseniuk says new parliament should turn Supreme Court back into Ukraine's highest court

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk believes that the new parliament should return to the Supreme Court of Ukraine those powers that will make it into the highest court again.
"It so happened that in the course of a series of reforms that took place in Ukraine over the past decade, those who carried out the judicial reform did not get the key point formulated in the Constitution of Ukraine - Ukraine's Supreme Court is the highest judicial authority. Therefore, in our opinion, new Ukrainian parliament should return all the powers of a supreme judicial authority and the powers to review all cassational appeals to the Supreme Court of Ukraine," Yatseniuk said speaking at a meeting of the Cabinet on Monday.
Besides, the government's new bill on the judicial system and on the status of judges envisages the return to the Supreme Court of Ukraine of the right to generalize judicial practice and give explanations to courts of another level concerning the application of certain legal provisions, the premier said.