09:26 12.03.2014

Kyiv protests against Russian statement on Crimean independence declaration

2 min read

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has protested against the statement the Russian Foreign Ministry issued on March 11 to recognize as lawful the declaration of independence of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol.

"The decision made by the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is unconstitutional, unlawful and void," the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said.

The declaration violates Ukrainian national laws and international documents, including the UN Security Council President's statement of July 20, 1993, which gained unanimous support of all members of the UN Security Council.

"Ukraine categorically condemns direct interference of the Russian Federation in internal affairs of our state," the ministry declared.

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry branded as a manifestation of double standards the Russian reference to the UN International Court of Justice's opinion about the Kosovo declaration of independence and the Russian refusal to recognize independent Kosovo.

"Ukraine insistently urges the Russian side to deescalate tensions, to hold a direct dialogue and to fully obey by the norms and principles of international law and interstate relations," the statement runs.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday that the Crimean parliament's decision to pass the declaration of independence of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol was absolutely legal.