21:08 19.07.2013

Yanukovych signs law to boost allowances for disabled children

1 min read

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has signed one of the laws aimed at implementing the new social initiative entitled 'Children are Future of Ukraine' regarding increasing of state allowances to disabled children.

As the president's press service reported on Friday, the law on amendments into the article 18 of the Ukraine's law "On state assistance to the families with children" foresees change of the size of allowances for disabled children, who are under guardianship, at least two living wages for a child of the corresponding age without consideration of state social aid to disabled children.

According to the law, 612 children with disabilities, who are under guardianship, will get their state aid increased by UAH 894.

According to the present wording of the article 18 of the law "On state assistance to families with children", child orphans and children deprived of parents' care, which are under guardianship, will get state allowances worth two living wages for a child of their age.