16:09 04.04.2013

FEMEN activists come to Kyiv mosque

1 min read
FEMEN activists come to Kyiv mosque

The police have detained activists of the FEMEN women's movement for conducting a topless protest near the Kyiv mosque, FEMEN reported on its Web site.

"FEMEN activists were arrested in Kyiv on Thursday for conducting a protest called 'Topless Jihad' near a mosque […] The FEMEN activists drove up to the entrance to the mosque in a car, where they were arrested by the police," the report says.

The protest is timed with the so-called "international topless jihad," which raises awareness about the protection of the rights of FEMEN activist Amina from Tunisia.

The "topless jihad" began in Paris on Wednesday with the burning of a Salafite flag under the Great Mosque. Similar protests are expected to take place in more than ten countries on Thursday.