Parliamentary elections begin in Georgia

Parliamentary elections began in Georgia on Monday.
A total of 3,719 polling stations, of which 45 are located abroad, opened at 8:00 a.m., the Georgian Central Elections Commission told Interfax. A total of 3.6 million registered voters can vote in the election.
The voting will end at 8:00 p.m.
Video cameras have been installed in each polling station. Every voter's finger will be marked with special liquid.
A total of 150 deputies will be elected to the parliament for a period of four years (77 of them will be elected by party lists and 73 will be elected by majority lists). Sixteen parties will take part in the elections.
Over 60,000 local and 2,000 international observers will monitor the elections in Georgia. Several organizations including international, will conduct exit polls.
The first briefing on the election process will be conducted in the Georgian Central Elections Commission at 10:00 a.m.
In the meantime, the elections to the Supreme Council of Ajaria also began on October 1. There are 21 parliamentarians on that council, of which six will be elected by majority lists and 15 mandates will be distributed by party lists.