16:50 08.01.2024

EBA calls for finalizing draft law on mobilization

4 min read
EBA calls for finalizing draft law on mobilization

The European Business Association (EBA) has appealed to Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence, Oleksandr Zavitnevych, with a request to finalize government draft laws on mobilization due to the presence of signs of violation of the Constitution and negative impact on the economy.

The EBA says that business has analyzed the provisions of both documents in detail and seeks to express its concern about a number of proposed norms that may include signs of violation of the Constitution of Ukraine. Actually, that's why (they will) have negative consequences not only for the economy of Ukraine, but also for the reputation of the country and the extremely important process of rebuilding our state.

The association recalled the position of the President of Ukraine that the stable functioning of the Ukrainian economy allows the Armed Forces of Ukraine to function effectively, since taxes and fees are actually the only source of financing for the army: today six taxpayers provide one soldier, and the only way to increase the capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is the de-shadowing and economic growth.

At the same time, according to the EBA, the norms proposed in the draft laws may, on the contrary, lead to an increase in the number of "salaries in envelopes" and informal employment, an outflow of foreign investment, a significant deterioration in business conditions, which at the end of 2023, according to a survey by the association, are estimated at 2.44 out of 5 points (negative).

In addition, a number of provisions may actually deprive citizens of Ukraine of basic rights, including to obtain a document certifying the identity and citizenship of Ukraine, which is unacceptable even during a special period and can have extremely negative social and demographic consequences.

As for other comments and suggestions, business representatives are convinced that expanding the powers of local executive authorities in the field of mobilization will not contribute to the manageability of the process through its decentralization. At the same time, with regard to the delivery of subpoenas, this should be handled exclusively by competent authorities without giving such powers to other structures or legal entities in order to avoid additional significant burden, abuse and confusion.

The EBA added that shortening the time, in particular, for clarifying their data within 30 days by all military personnel in Ukraine may lead to a collapse of the system, disruptions in the electronic cabinet of a conscript, a draft-age person, a reservist due to a significant influx.

In addition, the association's comments relate to administrative penalties, liability and other issues.

EBA summed up that business does not support the adoption of draft laws in the proposed version and suggests finalizing the documents. The community is ready to join their revision for the second reading and sincerely hopes that the voice of business will be heard in order to avoid a situation of collapse and so on in the difficult process of mobilization. After all, people are key to achieving Ukraine's Victory as soon as possible, but also for business.

As reported, on December 25, 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine submitted to the Verkhovna Rada bill No. 10378 "On amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine to improve certain issues of mobilization, military registration and military service." Later, deputy head of the Servant of the People faction, Yevhenia Kravchuk, said that this document would not be voted on in the version proposed by the government, and the Verkhovna Rada committee on national security would work out a compromise option, which pledged to make a final decision on January 9, 2024.

A day later, on December 26, 2023, a bill regulating the issues of mobilization, recruitment and military service No. 10379 was registered in Parliament which proposes to introduce a number of amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine and the Criminal Code of Ukraine and increase fines for violating the rules of military accounting and legislation on defense, military duty and military service, mobilization training and mobilization.