Shmyhal: Private sector is our key partner, we're ready to help everyone who produces high-quality weapons for our army

Private sector is the key partner of the government and it is ready to help everyone who produces high-quality weapons for the Ukrainian army, Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal has said.
"Today, the Ukrainian military-industrial complex is experiencing a renaissance or even a new birth on some branches and at certain enterprises. We are launching new production, enlarging the ones that showed good results before the full-scale invasion, investing in new technology and new developments. We are working with partners," he said during the Defense Industries Forum on Saturday.
According to the prime minister, the government started several experimental projects for the production of various drones in 2023 and is systemically facilitating bureaucratic procedures for the production of various types of equipment and weapons.
"The private sector is our key partner, and we are ready to help everyone who produces high-quality weapons for our army," he said.
Shmyhal also noted that today as never before Ukraine needs effective operation of the state defense enterprises, plants and bureaus.
"The Russian regime dreamed of Ukraine's demilitarization, and meanwhile Ukraine has been ramping up arms and military hardware production every month," he said.