Ukraine in 10 years will be able to increase processing up to 50% of harvest, produce up to 200 mln tonnes of agricultural goods/year - Agrarian Ministry

In 10 years after the end of the war, Ukraine will be able to increase agricultural production to 200 million tonnes and feed 600 million people on the planet annually, but for this it is necessary to have all 32 million hectares of land in cultivation, said First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Taras Vysotsky, presenting the strategy for the development of the Ukrainian agro-industrial complex.
"Our goals are to provide 600 million people on the planet with food, develop an import substitution policy and consume up to 90% of our own agricultural products, increase competition in the processing sector and, accordingly, process 50% of the crop, develop the biomethane market, receive an investment portfolio of $57 million, which absolutely real. But for this we need a different starting point," he said at the conference "From vision to the future of Ukraine: beginning of a permanent dialogue between state and business" held in Kyiv on Wednesday.
He stressed that many countries are experiencing food shortages, while we are talking about 350 million people and the world's population continues to increase. At the same time, climatic conditions are not changing for the better for the agricultural sector. At the same time, the agricultural potential of Ukraine is significant and can grow, the deputy minister noted. However, in order to increase the production of agricultural products, Ukraine needs to focus on the automation and digitalization of all agricultural processes, Vysotsky believes.