17:55 15.12.2020

Competition agency fines DTEK UAH 275 mln for abuse of monopoly, company believes decision biased

1 min read
Competition agency fines DTEK UAH 275 mln for abuse of monopoly, company believes decision biased

 The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) on Tuesday decided to impose a fine of UAH 175.9 million on JSC DTEK Zakhidenergo and UAH 99.2 million on D.Trading LLC for abuse of monopoly position on the Burshtyn Energy Island in July-October 2019.

For its part, DTEK considers the decision taken as biased and unfounded.

"During the consideration of the case, the committee did not conduct a proper study of the functioning of the electricity market, the evidence and expert opinions provided were ignored," DTEK said in a statement following the decision.