17:44 14.11.2018

EC approves maps of European transport network TEN-T in Ukraine

1 min read
EC approves maps of European transport network TEN-T in Ukraine

 The European Commission has decided to approve the maps of the Trans-European Transport Network (the TEN-T core network) in the Eastern Partnership countries, including Ukraine.

"For the first time, the Ukrainian transport network is becoming part of the strategic transport and logistics corridors of the European Union," Minister of Infrastructure Volodymyr Omelyan said.

According to him, this is an important step towards the infrastructure European integration of Ukraine, indicating that the Ukrainian infrastructure is considered by the European Commission as an integral component of the EU transport and logistics system.

"The Council of Europe and the European Parliament currently have two months for checks before the act can come into force," the EC's official website says in connection with the adoption of this decision.

In addition to Ukraine, TEN-T maps have also been approved for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, and Moldova.

As reported, in November 2017 Ukraine and the EU signed the document on the extension of indicative maps of the European transport network TEN-T to Ukraine.