Ukrtransgaz signs contract with Zorya-Mashproekt to reconstruct Yahotyn compressor station

Joint-stock company Ukrtransgaz on Wednesday signed a contract with state-owned enterprise (SOE) Zorya-Mashproekt to reconstruct the Yahotyn compressor station for UAH 2.248 billion (VAT included), according to an announcement posted in the ProZorro e-procurement system.
The press service of Ukrtransgaz reported that under the project, it is planned to build a new compressor workshop at the Yahotyn compressor station by 2021, consisting of four gas compressor units driven by 16 MW gas turbine engines and the required engineering infrastructure.
As reported, three companies submitted bids to participate in the tender of Ukrtransgaz to reconstruct the compressor station with the expected cost of up to UAH 2.466 billion: public joint-stock company Sumy Machine-Building Science and Production Association (Sumy NPO), Zorya-Mashproekt and private joint-stock company Interbudmontazh Construction Association.
The winner of the tender is to ensure design works, supply equipment, conduct construction and assembly works and jointly with the customer launch the facility.
Ukrtransgaz said that the application of the Engineering, Procurement, Construction (EPC) contract would allow not getting attached to one manufacturer at the tender stage and expand competition. One of the main additional evaluation criteria is the efficiency of equipment in the bids. This parameter characterizes the level of fuel gas costs at the modernized Yahotyn compressor station
Ukrtransgaz, wholly owned by NJSC Naftogaz Ukrainy, operates the system of trunk gas pipelines and 12 underground gas storage facilities of the country.