14:28 27.07.2018

WiM systems to be involved in preselect work of road inspectors until weight-in-motion control law adopted

2 min read
WiM systems to be involved in preselect work of road inspectors until weight-in-motion control law adopted

The Weight-in-Motion (WiM) systems will be involved in the preselect work of inspectors of the State Service of Ukraine for Transport Safety until a law permitting weight-in-motion control on roads is adopted, Ukrainian Infrastructure Minister Volodymyr Omelyan said at a briefing in Kyiv on Friday.

"Despite the fact that there is no legislative regulation of weight-in-motion control, we operate completely legally. Automatic WiM systems will do preselection work - isolating from the flow those trucks that violate the legislation. "And on the next post, where an inspector of the State Service of Ukraine for Transport Safety will stand, they will be weighed and fined," Omelyan said.

He said that the ministry wants to demonstrate the quality of the system to the government in order to convince it of the need for its full implementation.

"In August, we intend to develop a large package of decisions that relate to the automatic speed recording, weight control and the responsibility of carriers. I hope that the parliament will find the time and the opportunity to vote in September," Omelyan said.

Both bills - on automatic speed fixation and on increasing responsibility for overload - according to the minister are already under consideration by the Verkhovna Rada.

According to him, the purpose of the pilot project is that in 2019 no truck weighing more than 40 tonnes could neither enter nor leave Kyiv, and in the three-year outlook, that the weight of trucks on all roads of Ukraine does not exceed 40 tonnes.