Ukraine increases 1.6-fold volume of gas to be delivered via Slovakia in applications

Ukraine in April is gradually bosting imports of natural gas. In particular, on April 19, the application for supply of gas via Slovakia was increased 1.6-fold, according to information from the Eustream gas transport operator.
The daily application for April 19 is 9.4 million cubic meters (mcm) compared with 5.8 mcm for April 14 through April 18, 4.5 mcm for April 12 and April 13, 2.4 mcm for April 7 through April 11, 1.3 mcm for April 5 and April 6 and 1.2 mcm for April 1 through April 4.
In general, according to public joint-stock company Ukrtransgaz, imports of gas to the country from Europe (Slovakia, Hungary and Poland) grew from some 5 mcm in the first days of April to 13.2 mcm on April 14 through April 17.
Gas stocks in underground gas storage facilities of Ukraine totaled 7.659 billion cubic meters (bcm) as of April 17, 2018.
According to calculations by Interfax-Ukraine, if the volume of imported gas and current production inside the country declared for April 19 are retained, the country would enter May with stocks of around 7.9 bcm.
In 2017, Ukraine started actively pumping gas to its underground gas storage facilities from May and in 2016 – from late July.