11:06 25.01.2018

Poroshenko in Davos discusses changes in anti-corruption court law jointly with intl partners

1 min read

At present, with the participation of international partners of Ukraine, work is under way to amend the presidential draft law on the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said.

"We will continue to cooperate with the IMF. I would like to thank First Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) David Lipton and IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde. Yesterday we had a very important meeting and set a clear date: what and when should be done, including progress in the creation of the Anti-Corruption Court. I have already submitted an appropriate initiative to the parliament and we will speed up the process that should prepare the bill for the second reading," Poroshenko said at the Ukrainian Breakfast in Davos, Switzerland, on Thursday morning.