Naftogaz plans to sign agreement on management of Ukrainian GTS in Q3, 2018

Chairman of the board of Naftogaz Ukrainy Andriy Kobolev considers it possible to sign an agreement on managing the gas transportation system of Ukraine (GTS) with foreign partners in the third quarter of 2018.
"We believe that this [joint management] can begin approximately from the third quarter of 2018," he said on the air of Channel Five.
According to him, in February a decision of the Stockholm arbitration on the transit contract should be received, and in March all international companies interested in the management of the Ukrainian GTS will be known.
"We propose to immediately discuss the terms of the tender in the Verkhovna Rada so that it could say in advance: yes, these are the criteria for which we are ready to take a partner, to hold a tender during 3-4 months according to these criteria and by August-September finally sign the documents with those who win the contest," he explained.
Kobolev also said that in addition to Snam (Italy)/Eustream (Slovakia) and Gasunie (the Netherlands)/GRTgaz (France), with which the relevant memorandums were signed, a German group is also interested in the management of Ukraine's GTS.