10:52 11.10.2017

MPs register alternative bill on 'land decentralization'

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MPs register alternative bill on 'land decentralization'

A total of 34 MPs have registered in parliament bill No. 7118-1 on the transfer of land outside populated centers to united territorial communities, which is an alternative to a similar government bill.

According to one of the authors of the bill, a member of the parliament's committee on agricultural policy and land relations, Oleh Kulinich, the government bill does not prescribe the powers of state agencies on the approval of town planning documents, the normative monetary assessment of land outside populated centers.

Cabinet of Ministers bill No. 7118 also does not envisage the procedure for establishing and changing the boundaries of territorial communities, the procedure for transferring the land of former collective ownership to private and municipal ownership, etc.

"All of the abovementioned is not written in the government bill, but it's a huge series of useful and extremely important norms. Anyway, our alternative bill, according to the procedure, will be considered in line with the major one. "Therefore, it just had to be done," Kulinich said.

MPs' bill No. 7118-1 almost completely duplicates bill No. 4355, which was previously registered in the Verkhovna Rada.

As reported, bill No. 4355 was registered by a group of over 40 MPs in March 2016, and in April last year it was passed at first reading, but has not yet been submitted for second reading.

In September 2017, the government registered its own bill in the Verkhovna Rada, which foresees the transfer of land outside populated centers to united territorial communities.