Stockholm arbitration decision on gas dispute is positive signal for investors

A separate decision of the tribunal at the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, in which the court sided with NJSC Naftogaz Ukrainy in a long-standing dispute with PJSC Gazprom (Russia) under the contract for gas supply dated 2009, will become a serious signal for foreign investors, Justice Minister Pavlo Petrenko has said.
"This is a serious signal for us that foreign investors will come to the territory of Ukraine," Petrenko said in Kyiv on Thursday at a press conference, commenting on the publication of a separate decision of the Stockholm Arbitration.
The minister also regarded this decision as an event that ended the blackmail period of the Russian Federation regarding the price of gas for Ukraine.
"This means that the period of blackmail and the era of Russia's blackmail over the price for gas has come to an end. Ukraine, as the largest buyer of Russian gas in the last 25 years of independence, defended the economic and reasonable conditions for the purchase of this commodity. Politics and corruption destroyed in this sphere", Petrenko said.
He expressed confidence that Ukraine would win in other cases and suits against the Russian Federation, filed with international courts, "because we have the truth, the law is behind us and we will win all these international cases that were voiced."