Aviation cooperation between Ukraine, EU to be stepped up

Ukraine's Cabinet of Ministers on February 8, 2017 adopted a resolution, titled "On Confirmation of the Plan of Measures for Preparing to Introduce the Joint Aviation Space of Ukraine with the European Union (EU) and Its Member States."
Ukraine's Infrastructure Ministry, citing its head Volodymyr Omelyan, said the measure was drafted with the aim of fulfilling obligations within the framework of the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement, as well as the agreement on joint aviation space.
Omelyan said adoption and implementation of the plan will provide closer cooperation between executive branch agencies in Ukraine in the sphere of aviation transport with relevant EU structures (European Commission and European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), as well as to establish direct dialog within the framework of a joint committee on aviation safety, introduce transponder requirements in national legislation complying with the demands and standards set forth in EU aviation legislation, adopt effective aviation rules of Ukraine in all spheres of aviation activity and to tighten safety demands for flights with technical assistance from the EU.