Mriya retakes control of 10 agri-businesses with 5,000 ha land bank

Corporate rights of 10 legal entities and their land assets, namely 5,000 hectares of land, have been returned to Mriya Agro Holding in keeping with a resolution by Ukraine's Justice Ministry.
The ministry cancelled the previous registration of the 10 companies in the national registry of legal entities and private entrepreneurs, as well as in the legal estate registry, the company said in a statement.
The ten assets are Novagros LLC, Agroproduct 2 LLC, PrJSC Kolos (all in Ternopil region), Agronika 1 LLC, Slobodka Smotrytska LLC, Zhyschyntsi LLC, Barkosoft Agro 2 LLC (all in Khmelnytsky region), Agro Vita private firm, Ivano-Zolote LLC (both in Ivano-Frankivsk region), and Promin-Agro LLC (Chernivtsi region).
The said companies' corporate rights were re-registered by Mriya's former owners to side individuals who were not connected to the holding.
"The unlawful owners of the firms changed the composition of their owners, replaced the management, initiated the liquidation procedures, as well as terminated land lease agreements along with their registration to other names," the statement said.
Director of Mriya's legal department Serhiy Ihnatovsky said that the former owners, the Huta family - withdrew several dozen firms from the holding's management amid Mriya's default. Some 1,000 pieces of equipment and land lease agreements on 60,000 ha were registered as ownership of the withdrawn firms.