MHP to expand work with communities, local public leaders
MHP agroholding, the largest poultry producer in Ukraine, seeks to more actively work with local communities and public leaders to the change the parasitical and paternalistic mood in the country and create better prospects for development and the company, MHP Board Chairman Yuriy Kosiuk has said.
"Successful people inside the company are social outcasts, an object of derision and envy. We have decided that we will work with communities to change attitudes toward successful people and those who want to do something," he said at the third Orchestrators of Change Directors forum.
The businessman said that it is a surprise for him after the Maidan how strong parasitical mood in society is. Without changing it, attempts to improve the work of the authorities and their institutions for example, the Verkhovna Rada and the Antimonopoly Committee, will be in vain, he said.
He said that the company should set a good example to businesses and leaders in each settlement and community where the company works.
Kosiuk said that this could take five years, but it would be hard to change parasitical and paternalistic mood in society without it. He said that these are good deeds such as beautiful grass plots, paving slabs, painting of road border stones and intolerance to scoundrels.
The businessman said that as part of the new approach to the implementation of social projects the company would actively involve the public.
"We will finance 70% and you – 30% with money, participation and work," he said.