14:33 19.08.2016

Infrastructure ministry to revise all regulatory acts to simplify business development

2 min read
Infrastructure ministry to revise all regulatory acts to simplify business development

Ukraine's Infrastructure Ministry has starting the revision of all regulatory acts if they comply with the public regulatory policy.

The ministry's press service reported that Deputy Infrastructure Minister Dmytro Romensky gave information on August 19, 2016 at a first meeting of the working group.

"According to the order of the first deputy prime minister of Ukraine and in coordination with Infrastructure Minister Volodymyr Omelyan all regulatory acts are being revised for compliance with the public regulatory policy. According to the order, a working group has been created. We must systemically and globally revise all regulatory acts and unveil those that hinder business development and require revision and relaxation of the procedure, require improvement," Romensky said.

He also said that the Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO) will help the ministry in this.

"BRDO office will help us with it – help to work out and draft guidelines. They accepted the British model, relaxed and adapted it to Ukraine. The work should include three key stages; cleaning up the legislative base from fabricated acts passed not in line with Ukrainian law, analysis of principles of each regulatory document and increase of the level of business involvement in lawmaking," he said.

The BRDO was created under an initiative of the Economic Development and Trade Ministry and western partners of the Canadian government and the World Bank. It is an independent nongovernmental institution financed by international donors.