12:01 22.07.2016

Fish catch in Ukrainian water basins 19.4% up in H1 2016

2 min read
Fish catch in Ukrainian water basins 19.4% up in H1 2016

The State Fishing Agency reports a rise in fish catch in Ukrainian water basins (inland water basins and seas) in January through June 2016 by 19.4% year-over-year, to 22,900 tonnes.

The agency said in a press release that total fish catch in the Azov and Black seas grew by almost 20.5%, to 16,000 tonnes, including a rise of 22.1% in the Azov Sea and 4.9% in the Black Sea. Fish catch in inland water basins grew by 16.8%, to 6,900 tonnes.

Goby (6,757 tonnes, a rise of 7%), Black Sea sprat (8,256 tonnes a rise of 1.5 times), Azov turbot (88 tonnes, a rise of 5.8 times), conch shell (226 tonnes, a rise of three times) and shrimps (209 tonnes, a rise of 1.9 times) prevailed among sea-water fish caught.

Freshwater fish catch grew: pike perch – by 1.5 times, Black Sea herring – by 2.3 times, roach – by 1.2 times and carp – by 1.7 times. Bream, jackfish and herbivorous fish catch decreased.

In H1 2016, fish catch grew in Dnipropetrovsk region by 60.9%, Mykolaiv region by 57.6%, Ivano-Frankivsk region – by 55%, Kherson region – by 52%, Kyiv region – by 40% and Zaporizhia region – by 27%.

The agency explained discrepancies of fish catch figures provided by the agency and the State Statistics Service.

Data of the State Statistics Service include fish catch and other marine resources catch by Ukrainian vessels outside Ukraine, which is not linked to the state of fish stock in Ukraine.

The agency paid attention that in 2016 it would not include data on fish catch by Ukrainian vessels leased to foreign companies.