Regulator head: Electricity price in Ukraine is competitive compared to EU prices

The price of electricity in Ukraine is lower than average European one both for industrial consumers and households, Head of the National Commission for Energy, Housing and Utilities Services Regulation (NCER) Dmytro Vovk has said.
"If in leader countries of Europe the price of electricity for households is 10 times higher than in Ukraine and for non-households it is twice more, are the prices of electricity in Ukraine uncompetitive?" he wrote on his Facebook page asking this question rhetorically.
He added the electricity price diagram in the EU in 2015, according to Eurostat. The cheapest and closest to Ukraine price of electricity in Europe is for industrial consumers in Serbia, as well as in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Finland.
The lowest prices for households are in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Moldova and Macedonia, but they are two-three times higher than Ukrainian prices, and average price for Europe is 20 eurocents or UAH 5.40 per kilowatt-hour (VAT not included).
"We need to help the government to answer the rhetoric questions and then tackle direct functions," he added.
He told Interfax-Ukraine that thanks to the latest decisions of the regulator the market has received the price formation methods.
"There had not been a document regulating the price formation for 25 years. All investors want predictability, and it gives it to them," he said.