11:04 03.02.2016

Ukraine gets grant from Britain to create concept for social support of miners at liquidated mines

1 min read
Ukraine gets grant from Britain to create concept for social support of miners at liquidated mines

The government of Britain has provided Ukraine with a grant for the work of the project office to create a concept for the social support of coal industry workers and the public living in the territories, on which coal enterprises being under liquidation (mothballing) are located.

According to a report on the results of work of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine under the program, posted on the governmental portal, it is planned to liquidate the following unprofitable mines: Rodynska (production in 2015 was 16,000 tonnes, part of Krasnoarmiyskvuhillia), Zarichna (60 tonnes, Lvivvuhillia), Novovolynska No. 9 (92,600 tonnes, Volynvuhillia), and Pivnichna (54,700 tonnes, Dzerzhynskvuhillia).

At the same time, the liquidation of Pivdenna mine (40 tonnes, Dzerzhynskvuhillia) has been agreed with the trade unions and other regional and central authorities, and the liquidation of Novovolynska mine No. 5 and Korotchenko mine is to start in February 2016.

In general, one mine was passed for liquidation and four mines were liquidated in 2015.