12:25 11.06.2013

Vice premier: Ukraine to clear market of counterfeit medicines

1 min read
Vice premier: Ukraine to clear market of counterfeit medicines

Ukraine is planning to sweep the Ukrainian market clean of counterfeit medicines, Deputy Prime Minister Kostiantyn Hryschenko has said.

"We will prevent the production and distribution of counterfeit medicines in our country," he said at the opening of an international conference "Approaches to the Practical Implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on the Counterfeiting of Medical Products and Similar Crimes Involving Threats to Public Health (Medicrime)" on Tuesday.

Hryschenko said that the government plans to strengthen the fight against the spread of counterfeit medicines on the market.

"At a time when medicines are sold even via the Internet, we need to do all to ensure that we can be confident that medicines in our pharmacies, our medical institutions and during the purchase via the Internet match their purpose and quality. This is very relevant for us," he said.

Hryschenko said that thanks to the efforts of government regulatory bodies, Ukraine had prevented around eight million packages of low-quality medicines from entering the domestic market over the last three years.

According to experts, the pharmaceutical market in Ukraine is worth about UAH 3 billion per year.