Azarov regrets gas contracts with Russia weren't revised

Acting Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov has said he regrets that the government led by him did not manage to revise gas contracts with Russia.
"We are not entirely satisfied with the fact that not all of the tasks we set ourselves were fulfilled. Much more transformations should be made. First of all, this refers to a revision of unfair terms of purchasing Russian gas," he said at a meeting of the government on Wednesday.
According to Azarov, the scale of the country's tasks is much wider than the authorities managed to carry out. In connection with this, he asked the Cabinet of Ministers not to relax and work as usual.
"We cannot afford vacation moods," he said.
As reported, on December 3, 2012 Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych accepted the resignation of the premier and the entire Cabinet of Ministers. By the same decree he instructed the government to keep carrying out its duties until a new one is formed.
Azarov and seven more members of the government led by him were elected as people's deputies at the parliamentary elections on October 28, 2012.