McDonald's equips more than 70% of restaurants in Ukraine with generators

In conditions of electricity shortages, FDI McDonald's Ukraine Ltd., which is developing the McDonald's fast food restaurant chain in Ukraine, has already equipped more than 70% of restaurants with generators, and also updated production processes, the company's operating director Dmytro Korbut commented on the situation to the Interfax-Ukraine agency.
"McDonald's works to conserve resources, which is why our restaurants are built according to energy efficiency principles. In response to the challenges of war, we began installing generators to fulfill orders in the absence of a centralized supply of electricity. Now more than 70 restaurants are equipped with generators, and we continue to gradually establish uninterrupted power supply in other establishments of the network,” Korbut said.
Because long power outages and hot weather can cause generators to fail, the company was forced to update its production processes.
“Now, even with a generator, we can close the establishment for half an hour or more so that the generator can cool down and the restaurants continue to operate stably,” he said.
If a restaurant does not have a generator, then when the power goes out, the establishment closes.
The company emphasized that special attention is paid to the careful monitoring of product storage conditions in accordance with standards.
“Our powerful modern refrigerators maintain the required temperature for up to 14 hours without electricity. Upon returning power, we additionally check the temperature of the products: for frozen products it should be from minus 24 to minus 18 degrees, for chilled – from plus 1 to plus 4 degrees. If the temperature is unsuitable products are subject to write-off," Korbut said.
In the event of an extended outage, where there is a risk that ingredients may not be at the proper temperature, products are temporarily returned to the warehouse where generators are available for safe and secure storage.
“Despite all the challenges and the significant increase in operating costs due to the purchase of fuel and servicing of generators, for McDonald’s the quality and safety of food is an undoubted priority. The company has adapted to power outages and ensures the constant freshness and safety of its products,” Korbut summarized.