10:23 26.07.2021

State energy inspectorate confirms violations of law during shutdown of TIU Canada's solar power plant by NFP – lawyer

2 min read

KYIV. July 26 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The State Energy Inspectorate has confirmed violations of the current legislation when the Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant (NFP) shutdown the TIU Canada solar power plant in Nikopol, lawyer of GOLAW law firm Kateryna Tsvetkova has said.

"All that we have said is not only the legal position of lawyers in the case. This [violation of the law] is also confirmed by the competent authorities," she said at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine on Friday.

According to her, the State Energy Inspectorate, after an appropriate appeal, analyzed the situation and found a number of violations of the legislation by NFP. In particular, the shutdown was not in accordance with the monthly and annual schedules for the decommissioning of equipment and power lines.

In addition, for the alleged repair work on power transmission lines, which explained the need to shut down the station, the obligatory approval of NPC Ukrenergo was not received. Also, the plant did not receive an agreement to disconnect the solar power plant from the lines of DTEK Dnipro Grids.

"Thus, the shutdown was not in accordance with the requirements of the law, with a gross violation of the current norms and without the presence of factual grounds, since the claimed repair was not carried out," Tsvetkova said.

In turn, Director of TIU Canada in Ukraine Valentyna Beliakova said that after receiving a letter from NFP in 2020 about the shutdown, the company met with the top management of NFP. They said that they were tasked to shut down the solar power plant by the plant's shareholder.

The representative of the American-Ukrainian Business Council (USUBC) Maryna Antonova drew attention to the fact that the Ukrainian authorities constantly declare the need to attract foreign investment to the country, but the above actions undermine the credibility of the country.

At the same time, TIU Canada was ready to increase investment and create new jobs in Ukraine, which is an important and loyal partner of Canada.

"We would like to urge the Ukrainian authorities, the judiciary to fairly consider this case... The task of the Ukrainian authorities, who are responsible for the business climate, is to ensure that relations between Ukraine and Canada continue for many more years without such cases that scare off foreign investors, and not only from Canada, but also from other countries of the world," she said.