11:02 07.07.2020

Solar plant owners ask Rada to set feed-in tariff reduction rate depending on building energy storages at such facilities

2 min read

KYIV. July 7 (Energy Reform) – A group of solar energy producers combining 850 MW solar power plants asks the parliament, when preparing bill No. 3658 on conditions for supporting green generation for second reading, to take into account their proposals regarding, in particular, the obligation for new generation to establish energy storages and prolong feed-in tariffs when reducing them.

"We've prepared a number of proposals for bill No. 3658 adopted at first reading and sent them to the relevant committee. One of these proposals is the extension of feed-in tariffs for two years, until the end of 2031, if we reduce them by 15%, this is required by 99% of the market. In addition, we propose linking feed-in tariff reduction rate for new solar plants with their obligation to build energy storages," Oleh Hramotenko, the director general of the company, said at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine.

According to the presentation of amendments to bill No. 3658 made by Hramotenko, for stations with a capacity of 1 MW or more commissioned from July 1, 2015 to December 31, 2020, it is proposed to extend feed-in tariffs until December 31, 2031, given their decrease by 15%. For stations with a capacity of up to 1 MW commissioned in the same period, feed-in tariff reduction of 10% without prolongation is envisaged.

At the same time, the authors of the changes suggest reducing feed-in tariffs for new solar plants with a capacity of 5 MW and more, put into operation from August 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021, by 10%, provided that energy storages with a capacity of at least 1 kWh for each 6 kW of connected generating power are installed on them.

For similar solar plants without the establishment of cumulative systems, the tariff reduction, according to the authors of the proposals, should be 25%.

It is proposed to provide a 60% reduction in feed-in tariffs only for solar plants commissioned from January 1, 2022.

According to Oleksandr Pavlovsky, the managing partner of Energy Investment Fund, who participated in the press conference, the norm of the draft law on a 60% reduction in feed-in tariffs for solar plants, put into operation from August 1, 2020, is discriminatory and in fact does not provide an opportunity for their further work from an economic point of view.