14:24 11.07.2024

Allies intend to review contribution to financial provision of military aid to Ukraine, starting with summit in The Hague in 2025

2 min read
Allies intend to review contribution to financial provision of military aid to Ukraine, starting with summit in The Hague in 2025

The allies intend to review their contribution to financing assistance to Ukraine, which will amount to EUR 40 billion for the next year, starting with the NATO summit in The Hague in 2025.

The corresponding provision is spelled out in the NATO summit declaration adopted in Washington.

"We affirm our determination to support Ukraine in building a force capable of defeating Russian aggression today and deterring it in the future. To that end, we intend to provide a minimum baseline funding of EUR 40 billion within the next year, and to provide sustainable levels of security assistance for Ukraine to prevail, taking into account Ukraine's needs, our respective national budget procedures, and the bilateral security agreements which Allies have concluded with Ukraine. Heads of State and Government will re-evaluate Allied contributions at future NATO Summits, starting at the 2025 NATO Summit in The Hague," the document notes.

"Our commitment extends to costs related to the provision of military equipment, assistance, and training for Ukraine, including: Purchase of military equipment for Ukraine; In-kind support donated to Ukraine; Costs related to maintenance, logistics and transportation of military equipment for Ukraine; Costs for military training for Ukraine; Operational costs associated with provision of military support to Ukraine; Investments in and support for Ukraine's defence infrastructure and defence industry; All contributions to NATO Trust Funds for Ukraine, including non-lethal aid," the document notes.

"All Allied support for Ukraine according to the above criteria would count, whether delivered through NATO, bilateral, multilateral, or by any other means. To support fair burden-sharing, Allies will aim to meet this pledge through proportional contributions, including by taking into account their share of Alliance GDP," the document notes.

Allies will report to NATO on support delivered in relation to this pledge twice per year, with the first report to include contributions delivered after 1 January 2024. Based on this, the Secretary General will provide an overview of all notified contributions to Allies.

"In addition to military support covered by this pledge, Allies intend to continue providing political, economic, financial, and humanitarian support to Ukraine," the document notes.