12:58 27.01.2024

Council for Entrepreneurship Support under President includes Klymov, Konotopsky, Horokhovsky, Kytsmey, Yefymenko, Oliynyk and Borodatiuk – decree

2 min read
Council for Entrepreneurship Support under President includes Klymov, Konotopsky, Horokhovsky, Kytsmey, Yefymenko, Oliynyk and Borodatiuk – decree

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has established the Council for Entrepreneurship Support under Martial Law as an advisory body under the President.

According to Presidential Decree No. 30 dated January 26, the Council includes co-founder of Netpeak LLC Artem Borodatiuk, co-founder of Fintech Band LLC and monobank Oleh Horokhovsky, President of Biopharma Plasma LLC Kostiantyn Yefymenko, a member of the Council of Representatives of the Information Technologies of Ukraine Association and co-owner of Softserve LLC Artem Kytsmey.

In addition, President of the Union of Ukrainian Entrepreneurs (SUP), co-owner of Nova Poshta LLC Vyacheslav Klymov, member of the Board of Directors of SUP and co-owner of Ajax Systems Management LLC Oleksandr Konotopsky and Chairman of the Council of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine Dmytro Oliynyk became its members.

"The main tasks of the Council are a systematic analysis of the situation to ensure the right to entrepreneurial activity under martial law, the practice of forming and implementing state policy regarding the observance of guarantees of the right to entrepreneurship, developments based on the results of such an analysis and submitting proposals to the President of Ukraine on possible ways and mechanisms to solve problematic issues," the decree says.

In addition, its tasks include consideration of draft laws on entrepreneurship, development of proposals to improve the legislation of Ukraine on the activities of business entities and assistance in establishing effective interaction between the state and business entities, public associations representing their interests, and dissemination of the best international experience.

The President's Office is responsible for ensuring the Council's activities.

As reported, a few days earlier, the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) decided on urgent measures to ensure economic security under martial law. According to Zelenskyy, he will help solve the whole range of problems in relation to business and government. At the same time, the head of state announced the creation of an Entrepreneurship Support Council.

"These are well-known names, well-known heads of Ukrainian companies. Business that works for millions of people. Technology business, finance, services and other industries. There are different industries to have different views. But one task is to strengthen our economy, our society," Zelenskyy said.