09:48 13.11.2023

Nova Post to open in Paris, Milan in 2023, and in capitals of 17 more countries by Oct 2024

2 min read
Nova Post to open in Paris, Milan in 2023, and in capitals of 17 more countries by Oct 2024

The Nova Posta group of companies, which has already entered 10 European markets, will add France and Italy to them by the end of this year, opening a Nova Post branch in Milan in November and in Paris in December, company co-owner Volodymyr Popereshniuk said on Saturday.

He shared on Facebook plans to open new countries for the next year, which involves the launch of branches in the capitals of 17 countries in January-September.

"I admit that the development managers were against making this public because they, as responsible people, are worried about looking like liars if things don't go according to plan... But knowing them, I'm sure they can handle everything, I have faith in them, like our entire team," Popereshniuk noted.

According to the published schedule for opening new countries for 2024, it is planned to open a branch in Vienna, Austria in January, in February - in Madrid, Spain and Istanbul, Turkey, in March - in Sofia, Bulgaria and London, UK.

In April, according to schedule, Nova Post will appear in Dublin, Ireland and Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in May - in Brussels, Belgium, Bern, Switzerland and Lisbon, Portugal.

Branches are scheduled to open in June in Ljubljana, Slovenia and Zaggreb, Croatia, in July in Athens, Greece and Copenhagen, Denmark, in August in Helsinki, Finland, while in September in Stockholm, Sweden and Oslo, Norway.

In the discussion under the post, Popereshniuk, in response to many requests, also confirmed plans to open Nova Post in the future in Tel Aviv, Israel, the USA and Canada, as well as in Dubai, UAE. He promised to think about the possibility of entering Kazakhstan.

The co-owner of Nova Poshta clarified that for now the company is opening its own branches. "The franchising model is not ready yet, we are conducting tests. We don't want to let our future partners down," he explained.

Popereshniuk also noted that the company is interested not only in the delivery of shipments to and from Ukraine from new markets, but also in working with domestic clients there.