15:02 07.08.2023

Russia fails to generate effective tactical airpower in south in recent weeks – British intelligence

1 min read

The Russian Air Force continues to consistently deploy considerable resources in support of land operations in Ukraine, but without decisive operational effect, according to British intelligence.

"Over the summer, Russian tactical combat aircraft have typically carried out over 100 sorties a day, but these are almost always restricted to operating over Russian-controlled territory due to the threat from Ukrainian air defences," the Department of Defense of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland said on Twitter on Monday morning.

Analysts say that Russia has attempted to overcome this issue by increasingly using basic free-fall bombs with range-extending glide attachments. "Aircraft can release these many kilometres from their targets, but they have yet to demonstrate consistent accuracy."

"At the start of Ukraine's southern counter-offensive from June 2023, Russian attack helicopters proved effective. However, in recent weeks Russia appears to have been less able to generate effective tactical airpower in the south," the British intelligence experts said.