13:57 02.05.2022

Israeli FM calls Lavrov's statement inexcusable: Lowest level of racism against Jews is accusing Jews themselves of anti-Semitism

1 min read
Israeli FM calls Lavrov's statement inexcusable: Lowest level of racism against Jews is accusing Jews themselves of anti-Semitism

Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid said that Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's recent remarks about the Jews were inexcusable and outrageous, stressing that Jews did not kill themselves in the Holocaust.

"Foreign Minister Lavrov’s remarks are both an unforgivable and outrageous statement as well as a terrible historical error. Jews did not murder themselves in the Holocaust. The lowest level of racism against Jews is to accuse Jews themselves of anti-Semitism," he said on Twitter.

Earlier, in an interview with Mediaset, Lavrov said: "He (Zelensky) presents the argument: what kind of nazification can they have if he is Jewish. I could be wrong, but Hitler also had Jewish blood. That means absolutely nothing. Wise Jewish people say that the most rabid anti-Semites tend to be Jews. "Accidents will happen in the best regulated families," as we say.