Commission announces assessment results of candidates' interviews for administrative positions in SAPO

The competition committee for the election of the head of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAPO) has announced the scores based on the results of interviews with NABU detective Oleksandr Klymenko and prosecutor of the Prosecutor General's Office Andriy Syniuk, who are running for the post of head of the SAPO.
Each member of the commission announced his assessments based on the results of the interview with two candidates for the position of the head of the 5th department of SAPO and two for the post of head of the SAPO. Candidates were assessed on the basis of analytical thinking, leadership, professional ethics and communication effectiveness.
Some members of the commission proposed to postpone the meeting in order to calculate points, but representatives of the international community in the commission suggested a slight break and the announcement of the final results without delay, it was decided to take a 15-minute break.
The meeting of the commission is being held online and is broadcast on the YouTube page of the tender commission at: (