G7 Ambassadors to Ukraine welcome launch of Ethics Council at HCJ

The ambassadors of the G7 countries in Ukraine welcomed the start of the Ethics Council under the High Council of Justice on December 1.
"We look forward to this joint Ukrainian-international body moving forward with its important work in reforming the HCJ," the message on the G7 Ambassadors to Ukraine Twitter page said .
The ambassadors also highlighted their ongoing commitment to supporting the Ethics Council and Selection Committee of the High Qualification Commission for Judges.
"We call on all Ukrainian stakeholders to give these bodies their full support," the message says.
As reported, the first composition of the Ethical Council was appointed on November 9 in accordance with the provisions of the Law of Ukraine On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on the Procedure for Election (Appointment) to the Positions of Members of the High Council of Justice and the Activities of Disciplinary Inspectors of the High Council of Justice No. 1635-IX dated July 14, 2021.
Members of the Ethics Council are: Judge of the Supreme Court at the Criminal Court of Cassation Lev Kyshakevych; Judge of the Kyiv Court of Appeal Yuriy Triasun; Judge of the Eastern Economic Court of Appeal, retired Volodymyr Syveryn; Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, retired Robert Cordy; Judge of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales, retired Sir Anthony Hooper and former Attorney General of the Republic of Estonia Lavly Perling.
On Wednesday, December 1, the Ethics Council held its first meeting, at which the members of the Council unanimously approved the first two sections of the Rules of Procedure and elected the leadership.