SBI serves MP Leros with charges of non-compliance with court ruling in force

On Friday, November 12, the State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) of Ukraine served MP of Ukraine Geo Leros on suspicion of non-compliance with the court ruling, which came into force.
According to the SBI press service, this is about the Kyiv's Court of Appeal ruling dated August 11, 2021 on recognizing the information about Denys Yermak as unreliable and defaming the honor, dignity and business reputation, which Leros disseminated on social networks in March 2020. The court ordered the MP to refute the information he had disseminated by setting out the relevant text on his page; the court ruling dated August 11, 2021 came into legal force.
"The MP of Ukraine deliberately did not comply with the court's ruling, although he learnt it duly and had real opportunities for that," the SBI said.
After the opening of the enforcement proceedings, the imposition of two monetary penalties, as well as repeated warnings about criminal liability for willful failure to comply with the court ruling, the public executor applied to the SBI with notification of the commission of a criminal offense.
Based on the results of the investigative and procedural actions, the investigators obtained sufficient evidence to notify the suspicion.
A criminal offense was qualified under Part 1 of Article 382 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (non-execution of the court ruling). The sanction of the article provides for a punishment of up to three years in prison.
Leros said that law enforcement officers handed him not only a suspicion, but also a petition for a measure of restraint, which will be considered by Pechersky District Court on Friday, November 12.
"I was handed another suspicion and a petition for a measure of restraint in the form of house arrest, which will be considered today at 17:00 in Pechersky court. Please note, for not refuting the post about Denys Yermak! Moreover, my appeal was accepted in cassation!" Leros said on Facebook.
He also said the investigators did not prove that he did not comply with the court's ruling.