This parliament could become most reformatory in history, but mono-majority chooses lawlessness – MP Rudyk

The parliament of the ninth convocation has several outstanding differences from the previous ones: it is in this parliament that the first mono-majority in history is formed, respectively, the authorities have the greatest opportunities to change the country, but these opportunities are used exclusively irresponsibly, head of the Holos party, MP Kira Rudyk said.
"Today the parliament is not a driver of reforms, but is a vivid example of the usurpation of power and desecration of parliamentarism. The resignation of Dmytro Razumkov and the appointment of the most convenient and loyal chairman to the President's Office proves that the authorities are not going to retreat from their concept of 'loyalty is more important than professionalism.' It seems that it is not customary to attract professionals in the mono-majority to work; it is more important to build the most loyal system for maintaining and increasing power. And we can state that this trend is consolidating," Rudyk said.
In her opinion, no breakthrough can be expected from the new chairman, because legislative initiatives depend on the MPs, and not on the Verkhovna Rada chairman. The main problem is, Rudyk said the real reform bills in this Verkhovna Rada are mainly initiated by the opposition, which shows the real level of readiness of the majority and the President's Office for reforms and changes.
"And the authorities now, indeed, are not at all up to reforms. They need to do something about the shameful 'investigation' of the Wagner PMC case, offshore companies and constant corruption scandals. The authorities have no time to think strategically," the parliamentarian said.
"But the problem of the current government is that the country needs responsibility and pragmatism, and first of all, from people who have in their hands all the levers of political influence and state power. They promised to use them for real changes, but in fact, are multiplying shameful old political traditions," the leader of Holos said.