Among world leaders, Ukrainians have best regard for Merkel, Biden, worst of all for Putin, Lukashenko

More than 80% of Ukrainians have a negative attitude towards Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to the results of a survey conducted by the Sociological Group Rating during September 2-4, 2021.
According to the study, only 15% of Ukrainians have a positive attitude towards Putin.
There is also a predominantly negative attitude among Ukrainians towards the leadership of Belarus. Alexander Lukashenko is viewed negatively by 59% of the respondents and positively by 34%. At the same time, over the past year, the attitude towards the President of Belarus has worsened from 45 to 34%, and over the past two years - by half (from 67 to 34%).
Among the key world leaders, Ukrainians have best attitude to German Chancellor Angela Merkel (73% positively, 19% negatively) and US President Joe Biden (64% positively, 19% negatively). At the same time, in the dynamics over the past few months, the attitude towards Biden has somewhat improved, towards Merkel it has somewhat deteriorated.
French President Emmanuel Macron was positively assessed by 57% of the respondents, negatively - by 19%, while 23% found it difficult to assess him or do not know him. President of Poland Andrzej Duda was positively assessed by 54%, negatively - by 10%, and for 37% it was difficult to assess or they do not know such person.
Also, according to the results of the poll, over the past five months, the number of those informed about the Crimea Platform diplomatic initiative has grown by one and a half times (from 45% in April to 66% in September). The number of those who assess this initiative positively has also increased (from 38% in April to 50% in September).
At the same time, among those who are well aware of the content of the Crimea Platform, almost 80% have a positive attitude towards it.
In addition, Ukrainians are well aware of the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline from Russia to Germany, bypassing Ukraine. So, 50% know about it, 31% have heard something and only 18% know nothing.
Some 41% believe that Ukraine had no opportunity to stop the construction of the mentioned gas pipeline, 20% blame the fifth president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko for this, 3% - incumbent President Volodymyr Zelensky, and another quarter - both presidents.
The survey was conducted using the CATI method (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews - telephone interviews using a computer) among the population of Ukraine aged 18 years and older in all regions, except for the temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas, based on a random sample of mobile phone numbers.
The sample is representative by age, gender and type of settlement. Sample population is 2,500 respondents. The error of representativeness of the study with a confidence level of 0.95: no more than 2%.