11:12 12.07.2021

Bill on state policy of transition period sent to Venice Commission, opinion expected in Oct – Reznikov

1 min read
Bill on state policy of transition period sent to Venice Commission, opinion expected in Oct – Reznikov

A bill on the principles of state policy of the transition period has been sent to the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) for an expert opinion, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, Minister for the Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine Oleksiy Reznikov has said.

"The Commission received our request, and announced it on its website. The experts are expected to prepare a draft opinion, which will be approved at the next plenary session of the Venice Commission in October 2021. Our bill is the first of a package of legislative initiatives that are aimed at ensuring the de-occupation and safe reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and our citizens who are now forced to live in temporary occupation," the ministry's press service said, citing Reznikov.

The ministry recalls that the bill proposes the distribution of regulation for conflict and post-conflict periods, which will determine an algorithm of state's actions during the reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories and their inhabitants, de-occupation of the temporarily occupied territories, including such issues as demilitarization and disarmament, solution of humanitarian problems, and restoration of justice.