It is needed to adopt new law on lustration according to UN standards for de-occupied territories – Reznikov

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for the Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine Oleksiy Reznikov believes that for the deoccupied territories it is necessary to adopt a new law on lustration based on and according to UN standards.
"We analyzed the legislation on lustration after 2014. It was necessary, but it was quite total, it did not give the possibility of judicial control and did not give a person the opportunity, if he believes that his right was unfairly limited, to raise the question of canceling the application of lustration norms to him. Therefore, we believe that there should be judicial control so that people can raise the question that he was in vain included in this or that category, and he should not fall under it," Reznikov told journalists on Friday.
The deputy prime minister said that for the future de-occupied territories it will be necessary to adopt a new law on lustration.
"I think that it makes sense to write a new law. Since then they wrote on a quick hand. I think that today there is a lot of attention and indignation in society, and it is simply impossible to forgive someone. Therefore, I think that it is necessary to write a law on the basis and according to UN standards," Reznikov said.
Thus, restrictions should be introduced regarding the occupation of positions by citizens who were involved in the activities of the occupation forces and the occupation administrations, dividing into several categories depending on the place of service or work.
Reznikov said it is planned to create a certain agency that will have the competence to make decisions on restricting rights.