Nemchinov announces receipt of equipment for 'hot line' on access to education for residents of Crimea and ORDLO

On Tuesday, the government agency "Government Contact Center" received technical equipment to support the hotline on access to education for residents of the temporarily occupied territories, said Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Oleh Nemchinov.
"The equipment was donated within the framework of the project 'Access to Education for Students from Non-Government-Controlled Areas by Supporting the Activities of the Government Hotline', which was introduced with the support of the United States Agency for International Development USAID within the framework of the project 'Democratic Governance in Eastern Ukraine,'" wrote Nemchinov on his Telegram channel on Tuesday.
According to him, on January 5, additional equipment was transferred to store audio recordings of conversations between specialists and applicants, including data storage systems to ensure the smooth operation of the hotline.