Kravchuk in favor of establishing communication with Ukrainians living in temporarily occupied territories of Donbas

The Russian Federation will not interfere with the establishment of contacts and the establishment of relations between representatives of civil society in Ukraine and certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions (ORDLO), said the first President of Ukraine and head of the Ukrainian delegation to the Trilateral Contract Group (TCG) Leonid Kravchuk.
"Millions of people live there, there are signs of a civil society. There are people who did not take and do not take part in the war, do not go armed, live in incredibly difficult conditions. And we say that we need journalists, teachers, university workers ... We want these people to communicate with each other. And at first we are talking about communication at the level of civil society. And when we feel that we are already reaching an agreement, then we can move on to another level. Now we are not talking about communication with Russia-led forces," said Kravchuk in an interview with Sehodnia (Today) newspaper published on Monday.
According to Kravchuk, communication between representatives of civil society in the Ukrainian-controlled and occupied territories can take place in the format of videoconferences.
"There is world experience, there is nothing special here. There is the Internet, various forms of communication so as not to go, travel and get ready. You can create a special video conference. The main thing is to have a desire," he added.
Kravchuk believes that the Russian Federation will not interfere with such communication at the level of civil society representatives: "I think Russia will not interfere. I heard that Russia accuses us precisely of the fact that there is no such communication. When we start doing this, they will say 'no' and we will respond: what's happened?"